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Why Your Business Needs Sales Training

Why Work With a B2B Sales Training & Transformation Company?

As your company grows, there are numerous critical aspects to address—processes, tools, people, training, onboarding, and more. Amidst the whirlwind of running a business, it’s easy to overlook how snap decisions, gut choices, and single mistakes can have lasting repercussions, hindering future growth.

This is especially true within your sales motion, where hiring a new person, implementing a new strategy, and buying a new tool can be fraught with uncertainties. Will they work out? Will your process be effective? Will I get the incremental lift I am looking for? Starting with the wrong approach can lead to wasted time and lost profits down the line.

Partnering with a Sales Training and Transformation company can help you bypass this period of uncertainty. They can guide you through hiring the right people, onboarding them, and developing processes and long-term skill development that not only support short-term objectives but also drive your company’s growth, both now and in the future.

Why You Should Partner With an External B2B Sales Training Company vs. Hiring a Team Internally

Achieving sales success in today’s competitive market requires more than just any old process, people, or training. You need the right process, the right people, the right tools, and, most critically, the right training. Leveraging data to inform every decision—from hiring to training to process—is essential in the modern world of selling. However, managing all these aspects in-house can be daunting and expensive.

For an internal team to accomplish this, you’d need to invest significant time and resources into developing and fine-tuning your sales processes, hiring experienced professionals, procuring the latest tools, conducting in-depth assessments and team analysis, and using all that to create comprehensive processes and training programs. This approach carries a high risk of failure due to the steep learning curve and the potential for costly mistakes, not to mention years of work and multiple full-time headcount.

This is where partnering with an external B2B sales training team becomes invaluable. A specialized firm brings a wealth of experience and expertise, having already navigated the complexities and challenges of building successful sales strategies time and time again. They provide access to seasoned professionals, build proven processes, and offer cutting-edge tools at a fraction of the cost of developing these capabilities internally.

At The Sales Collective, we offer the correct assessments, models, frameworks, and development programs designed for the modern learner. Our proven processes and comprehensive training programs ensure that your sales team is equipped to excel from the start. By partnering with us, you mitigate the risks associated with building an in-house team and gain a strategic advantage that drives your company’s growth – both now and into the future.

To Run a Successful Business and Sales Motion, You Need:


Clear sales processes, procedures, and systems


Top performers in their correct sales seats


Strong onboarding and ongoing skill development


Trained sales leaders who can support, inspire, and coach their team

Hiring a B2B Sales Training and Transformation Company is the most cost-effective way to ensure all these pieces fall into place

The Sales Collective Process

When choosing a partner to help you transform sales, it’s important to find a team that will seek to understand you and your business and offer tailor-made strategies.

Our process is rooted in deep discovery, data-driven evaluation, and custom solutions. We start by auditing your go-to-market strategy and processes. We then assess all your people using an assessment that has been taken by 2.4 million salespeople that focuses on Will, Beliefs, and Skills. This is not some personality assessment; we believe that “there is no sales personality.” Rather, The Sales DNA test is an assessment that gives you deep insight to see if you have the right people in the right seats at the right time for your business.

From there, we can determine the processes that need to be built and the correct alignment of people and roles. We use this information to identify the foundational elements that need to be created, and the long-term development that needs to take place.

Once the foundation is understood and built, we move to a hiring, onboarding, training, and coaching motion for both salespeople and sales leadership, catered to your unique needs.

Unlike single-solution providers or tech platforms, we fully understand and address the entire scope of your go-to-market challenges. Our services include hiring, assessing, onboarding, process development, training for sellers and leaders, coaching, technology implementation, installing fractional revenue leaders and more. Here’s a visual to illustrate our approach:


At The Sales Collective, we understand that a one-size-fits-all strategy won’t drive the results you need. We take the time to deeply understand your company, its unique challenges, and opportunities to develop custom plans tailored to your specific needs.

Our data-driven approach ensures that as your company grows, your sales processes evolve seamlessly. You won’t be stuck with a rigid system that becomes obsolete after a few successful quarters. Instead, you’ll benefit from scalable strategies that continue to support your sales success, no matter how much your business expands.


How Our Process Works

Sales Team Evaluation

Our journey begins with a comprehensive evaluation of your sales team. We hold individual stakeholder meetings to gather diverse perspectives and insights. Establishing diagnostic baselines is crucial, as it allows us to accurately measure current performance levels. We then conduct a full competency-based assessment of your sales team, identifying strengths and pinpointing areas that need improvement. This phase culminates in a preliminary action plan, setting the stage for the transformation ahead.

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Sales Process Transformation

With a clear understanding of your current sales dynamics, we move on to transforming your sales process. Our expert team assesses the existing process thoroughly, identifying inefficiencies and bottlenecks. We then redesign these stages and actions, creating a streamlined and efficient process. This transformation is supported by deep documentation that provides clear instructions on executing each element of the new process, ensuring that your team can implement changes smoothly and effectively.

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Sales Leadership Training

Empowering your sales leaders is essential for sustained success. Our leadership training focuses on aligning your sales team with the company’s mission, vision, and values, fostering a unified approach. We implement systems that ensure accountability and keep leaders motivated. Additionally, we establish a regular operating cadence and provide continuous coaching to refine leadership skills and strategies. This phase is about building strong, inspired leaders who can drive the team towards its goals.

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Sales Training & Coaching

Our tailored training programs equip your sales team with the knowledge and skills necessary for high performance. We create custom individual learning paths, tailored to each team member’s needs. We marry those into the most modern learning environment on the market,full of adult learning modules, fun exercises, and AI-driven role plays and coaching. Our training is based on proven competency frameworks, ensuring comprehensive skill development. Combining theoretical knowledge with practical role-plays and real-world coaching, we ensure that learning is reinforced and immediately applicable in client interactions.

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Sustainable Growth

Sustainable growth is an ongoing evolution. We focus on the continuous improvement and scalability of your sales operations. Regular reviews and iterations of your sales processes allow us to adapt to changing market conditions and seize new opportunities. Our robust assessment methods help in recruiting new talent, ensuring the best people fill the right roles. Continuous coaching and training keep your sales team at the top of their game, prepared to tackle future challenges with confidence. By fostering a culture of ongoing development and adaptation, we ensure that your sales organization remains resilient and capable of sustained success.

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Why Trust The Sales Collective?

Our process is designed to make a real impact on your sales team’s performance. We don’t just aim to meet targets—we help you exceed them. We’re committed to partnering alongside you as you grow, streamline your operations and build a strong, adaptable sales organization. When you work with The Sales Collective, you’re partnering with a team of experts who will transform your sales strategy and ensure ongoing success.

Ready to transform your sales team? Contact us today and let’s get started on achieving your sales goals.

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What to Expect When Working with The Sales Collective

We approach everything we do with enthusiasm, excitement, and energy.

We take ownership of our thoughts, speech, and actions, individually and as a company.

We maintain the highest level of integrity and adhere to strong moral principles.

We pursue the highest standard in every aspect of our business and personal lives.

We foster a supportive environment built on teamwork and trust.

What to Expect When Working with The Sales Collective


We approach everything we do with enthusiasm, excitement, and energy.


We take ownership of our thoughts, speech, and actions, individually and as a company.


We maintain the highest level of integrity and adhere to strong moral principles.


We pursue the highest standard in every aspect of our business and personal lives.

Having Each Other’s Backs

We foster a supportive environment built on teamwork and trust.

What Makes The Sales Collective Different from Other Sales Training?

All-in-One Service

Unlike typical companies that require multiple vendor partners or internal employees to handle different aspects of their operations, The Sales Collective provides a comprehensive range of services, all under one roof. This includes recruiting, assessment, tech implementation, revenue leadership, sales training, enablement, coaching and more—all seamlessly integrated with your mission & vision to support your business.


Cost Efficiency

You don’t need to hire full time people, buy tools, do the data analysis, and build programs; we offer all of those resources at a fraction of the cost. This approach results in significant cost savings for our clients, often estimated to be around 3-5 times less than managing separate full-time positions and buying multiple tools.

Thank you for the opportunity!

Market Gap Solution

We address a specific market gap by serving organizations that are not yet large enough to justify the expense of full-time positions for each function. Our cohesive, integrated service supports growth without the wasteful spending associated with premature full-time hires.

Successful business people working in modern office

Why Your Business Needs Sales Training

Managing a business involves navigating complex processes, procedures, and team dynamics. Every decision can have significant long-term impacts – particularly in sales, where strategic choices directly affect client acquisition and ROI.

Implementing a new sales training & strategy often comes with uncertainty. Will it be effective? Will it attract the right clients? Will it yield a good return on investment? Missteps can lead to wasted time and lost revenue.

Engaging in proper sales training can eliminate this uncertainty, and establish robust processes and strategies that support and drive your company’s growth – both now and in the future.

Common Challenges

When companies think of scaling, they often think simply of adding headcount – leading to a bloated workforce and a diminishing ROI. Did you know that $1M is lost, on average, for every bad sales hire? To scale effectively, you need methodical systems for hiring that efficiently weed out the bad fits using a data-driven approach, and a way to seamlessly onboard your new team members. Our model is designed to solve these challenges, fueling growth without sacrificing efficiency.

High employee turnover is a major challenge for businesses, leading to lost productivity and increased costs. It often stems from a combination of factors – from hiring the wrong candidate to a poor onboarding experience and a lack of training, leadership and support. We design a curated and holistic solution that addresses all of these issues, and more. By focusing on all aspects of the employee lifecycle, from recruitment to development and beyond, we can help you significantly reduce turnover and build a thriving workforce.

It can take a new hire 6-12 months to reach peak productivity without a documented and prescriptive onboarding process. With speed to revenue being the major goal of sales onboarding, our offering reduces that time by 50-70% – meaning your new employee becomes productive, successful, and ultimately pays for themselves that much faster. We ensure you are putting the right people in place, onboarding them effectively, and coaching them to a level of proficiency in their role.

Insufficient pipeline development hampers companies from reaching their full potential, especially as the complexity of building a robust pipeline increases due to changing buyer behaviors, evolving tools, and shifting processes. Despite heavy investment, many teams find it challenging to close deals. Our solution offers a comprehensive framework for pipeline building that focuses on developing the right processes, implementing essential tools, and providing effective training. This approach ensures that your team not only builds but also consistently closes a high-quality pipeline, empowering you to achieve revenue goals and secure market dominance.

Struggling with inconsistent sales performance? The culprit is likely a lack of a documented sales process, generic training, or inadequate coaching. These issues lead to inconsistency and missed sales opportunities. Our expert team goes beyond identifying the problem, working with you to uncover the root causes of bad performance and implement a lasting solution tailored to your specific needs. This ensures your sales team has the tools and guidance to achieve consistent performance at the highest level.

75% of all sales hires fail – costing companies millions in lost productivity and wasted resources. Why? Methods like “trusting your gut” and leveraging personality tests, combined with a subjective assessment of your candidate’s skills and talents, are unreliable predictors of success in sales. You need a way to get objective data regarding their experience and their willingness to do what is necessary to be successful. We offer a data-driven approach that helps you hire top performers – comprising of skills-based assessments, competency-led interview questions, and a custom recruiting process to meet your needs.

84% of sales leaders have never received leadership training, yet companies continually promote their best salesperson and expect them to be their best leader. Leadership is a distinct skill, and untrained leaders leave companies vulnerable to high turnover, uninspired teams, and stifled creativity. Our proven leadership development programs transform top sales talent into inspiring coaches and leaders, empowering you to retain talent, boost morale, and unleash the full potential of your teams. Don’t settle for untrained leaders – invest in their success, and watch your sales soar.

Why Should You Invest In Sales Training?

Businesses of all sizes face numerous challenges that can hinder their growth and success. Over 20% of businesses fail within the first year, and only 50% survive beyond five years. This is often due to the complexities and variables involved in establishing and maintaining a successful sales operation.

Whether your sales team is new or established, they might still be navigating the intricacies of executing effective sales strategies. Without dedicating the necessary time and expertise to develop a robust sales process, your business risks falling behind.

To ensure your business becomes a success story with a strong sales team, you need:


A Clear Process for Lead Generation and Conversion

Establishing a structured procedure for generating leads and converting them into customers is crucial.


Defined Roles and Career Advancement Paths

Clear role definitions and pathways for career growth help in maintaining team motivation and focus.


Expertise and Mentorship of Senior Sales Professionals

Access to experienced sales experts who can provide guidance and mentorship is invaluable.


Continuous Improvement Strategies

Implementing strategies that consistently improve productivity and efficiency is key to long-term success.

Bringing on The Sales Collective is the most effective way for a business to build a strong sales team and a reliable sales playbook. Our expertise helps you navigate the complexities of sales, ensuring sustainable growth and success.

Real Customers.
Real Results.

I have repeated to the entire team how happy I am with the work getting done. This has been the most deliberate and careful approach to sales we’ve undertaken at ALTA. We couldn’t be happier!

Rob JonesAlta Language Services

When the TSC team asked 'how many hundreds of thousands of dollars we had lost as a result of not hiring the right people?' We cringed and knew it was time to make a change! Working with The Sales Collective not only helped us find the right person for our sales role, but they helped us onboard and train that person to be successful. In the first 6 weeks with our new hire, we more than doubled our investment!!
Throughout the process we were supported and provided an experience that catered to our company and our core values. It was a perfect fit, and we will be coming back next time we need to make a sales hire for our company!

Lauren ReadyForever Ready Productions

It’s been a great experience working with The Sales Collective - I was just singing their praises at my Vistage meeting yesterday.
The process is illuminating, and I firmly believe we're on a great path to understanding, in great detail, precisely what makes our sales org tick. Super valuable, and we look forward to the insights the ongoing process will provide us.

Brendon CadellLocal World Inc.

The Sales Collective's knowledge and professional experience has been instrumental in shaping our firm beyond our current capacity. Their ability to challenge us at the fundamental level has not only increased our professional career, it increased our ability to pursue and maintain a better quality of life. Sometimes it’s hard to see the forest through the trees and we all need fresh perspective to take us to the next level. The Sales Collective has been an invaluable resource and a pleasure to work with. I would recommend them to anyone at any level.

Kyle M. WeberFinancial Advisor | Weber Wealth Advisors

Things are going awesome! Super enjoy working with The Sales Collective. Most impactful has been updating our sales hiring process to match their best practices.

Sam BloedowThriveon

Our track record of hiring salespeople wasn’t great, and 50% of the time, we were hiring bad ones. Since we started using The Sales DNA Test, we are at 100%, except for the one I didn’t trust the test with, and he didn’t work out!
The Sales Collective helped us with interviewing strategy and job posting, but the Sales DNA Test was the X-Factor. It makes the unknown known! Our HR team loves Sales DNA because they get so many fewer resumes that they no longer have to waste time on, and they no longer have to guess who’s “interviewing” honestly.
We’re getting solid salespeople every time, bringing in revenue and profit much quicker!

Trey FlyJoe Fly, Co.

The Sales Collective is a team of true sales professionals with extensive experience and a history of success that is obvious through their consulting. They helped our sales team have more intentionality in their daily approach to sales that led us to produce greater results.

Adrienne LaBorwitChief Strategy Officer | True Rx

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