Let’s just keep adding immense stress and pressure to the lives of our salespeople, that should really do them well in the long run. Let’s force them to work even harder than they’re already working, then, when they barely miss the made-up quota you gave them, you can make them feel like garbage, but you keep all the added profits without bonusing them. Sounds awesome. When can I start?
For the prospects. Let’s jam them into buying our stuff when they don’t want to or don’t need to. Let’s arm-wrestle them into a purchase because “it’s the end of the month” and they’ll somehow get a better deal now. Let’s create so much buyer’s remorse, terrible experiences, and perpetuation of the ABC garbage that’s set salespeople back for decades. Sounds like a great business practice for long-term growth, relationship-building, and referral generation.
I swear, this stuff happens in most companies. It happens in the U.S., it happens in Europe, it happens in Australia…
It happens in B2B, B2C, SaaS, medical devices, and every other industry on the planet.
Wake the F up.
Why would you ever think strong-arming prospects into buying when they’re not ready would be a good thing?
Why would you ever think your salespeople will be better off being forced to work harder only at certain times of the year, just so they can hit the fake quotas their “leaders” created for them?
Why would you ever think normal everyday people enjoy being “sold”, manipulated, and forced into buying something at the end of the quarter?
It’s time to come out of the Dark Ages and join the rest of us in 2021, who understand the concepts of honesty, integrity, respect, and common sense.
I wonder why salespeople have a horrendous reputation…
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